Apple and plum compote Recipe Gluten-free, dairy-free (casein-free), hypotoxic and vegan.



  • 1,250 kg (2 3/4 lb) ripe plums
  • 1 kg (2,2 lb) Cortland apples
  • 240 g (3/4 cup) maple syrup
  • Juice from 1/2 lemon, freshly squeezed


  1. Cut the plums in half without peeling and remove the stone.
  2. Cut the apples in quarters, without peeling, and remove the core.
  3. In a large saucepan, combine the plums, apples, maple syrup, and lemon juice.
  4. Bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat. Cook on low heat with the lid until the fruit has softened (about 25 to 30 minutes). Stir frequently to make sure the fruit does not stick to the bottom.
  5. Remove the lid and simmer for another 30 minutes to let excess liquid evaporate. Stir frequently.
  6. Strain through a food mill set on a bowl or pan.
  7. Keep refrigerated in an airtight container. You can also freeze the compote in glass jars, filled to 2/3. 
Recipe Apple and plum compote  Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Organic from Cuisine l’Angélique.

It may seem rather unusual to combine apples and plums in the same compote. Try it, you will be delighted!


* Using a food mill results in a lovely pink compote. In addition, the pectin from the apple skin naturally thickens the compote once refrigerated.